
The RACINE COUNTY FOOD BANK is always searching for volunteers to conduct food drives at schools, businesses, churches or through clubs and other social organizations. Food donations are also always welcome. If you are interested, please call (262) 632-2307 or email us at: info@racinecountyfoodbank.org.
The RACINE COUNTY FOOD BANK has been granted 501(c)(3) status by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization. Depending on individual circumstances, your donation to the RCFB may be tax deductible. If you wish to donate, please make your check payable to the Racine County Food Bank and mail it to:
2000 DeKoven Avenue
Unit #2
Racine, WI 53403-2481
We Now Accept Credit Cards!
Convenient and secure, contributing via credit card is another means of donation. Clicking on the following link will take you to the Food Bank's web site "Contribute" Page. From there, you enter the amount you wish to give, simply click on the "Donate" button and you will be directed to a secure site to complete your transaction.
Your volunteer efforts, food donations and cash contributions enable the Food Bank, through its network of emergency food delivery organizations, to serve more than 2000 people each month. This is accomplished through the 22 city and county area food pantries with more than half the food being served to children! In addition, 2700 more people each week enjoy the 7 hot meal programs and the emergency shelters serve more than 20,000 meals to our neighbors in need. Your help truly makes a difference!!!